Singapore Official Beatbox Crew In the heart of Singapore’s pulsating beatbox scene, Obelisk stands tall as the first official beatbox crew in the country, comprising the most extraordinary talent found within Singapore. This powerhouse ensemble consists of five...


In the heart of Singapore’s beatboxing resurgence, a fiery powerhouse duo named Rydric has emerged, reshaping the landscape of beatbox tag teams. This dynamic pairing consists of Inovity, the reigning Singapore Beatbox Champion renowned for his mastery of...


In the vibrant tapestry of Singapore’s beatboxing landscape, Vonderie emerges as a pioneering force, marking their presence as the first official beatbox tag team in the city-state. Founded in 2019, this powerhouse duo comprises two exceptional artists: Handfx,...


Singapore Official Beatbox Crew In the heart of Singapore’s pulsating beatbox scene, Obelisk stands tall as the first official beatbox crew in the country, comprising the most extraordinary talent found within Singapore. This powerhouse ensemble consists of five...


Meet Clarkceds, also known as Clark, a dynamic force in the beatboxing scene who embarked on his rhythmic journey in mid-2019 at the tender age of 13. Driven by an unwavering love for music, Clarkceds found his true calling in beatboxing, aspiring to be great and...
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